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GGC Archives

GGC Maintains Three Different Archives of the Information Contained in its editions:

Topical Archive

The GGC Topical Index is a listing of feature articles included in all the variaous editions, categorized into these areas of interest:

1) About Quepos area
2) Costa Rica Wildlife
3) Costa Rican Culture
4) Agriculture
5) Getting Residency
6) Health/Medical
7) CR History
8) CR Legends
9) Beaches
10) Weather/Tremors
11) Other CR Places
12) Other LA Countries
13) Miscellaneous

Chronological Archive

The GGC Chronological Archive is a simple listing of each edition, latest one first, with links plus a thumbnail sketch of its contents.

Restaurant Archive

This is a list of some thirty five to forty local and regional eateries reviewed in the most recent three years by our ROMEO Group (Retired Old Men Eating Out). Includes a food quality rating, a cost rating and a value index.

Passion Flower

The Chronicles Are Now Also Available Both as a Hard Copy Novel and a Series of
3 E-books!

Follow GG through the first six years of his odyssey from making the important decision to retire in Costa Rica, to overcoming the trials and tribulations of moving and getting residency and the fun and experience of actually living in Ticoland.

Amazon Link
(Kindle Available)

The GGC story is also available in a series of three e-books:

GGC Ebooks


A Waterfall Near La Paz



The Golden Gringo Chronicles is a monthly newsletter about retirement life in Latin America in general and about Costa Rica in particular as seen through the eyes and experiences of a U.S. ex-patriot living in Costa Rica. This ex-patriot is now known as the Golden Gringo or GG for short.

To read the latest edition of the Golden Gringo Chronicles, go here: Latest Edition

GG has had the good fortune to live his retirement in Costa Rica since September 2008. The term “Golden” relates both to being lucky for having chosen Costa Rica and also for being there in retirement or the "golden years".

Each edition has one or more feature articles on local culture, the Costa Rican living experience or reports on adventures in visiting other Latin American countries.

In addition to the feature articles there are several departments:

As of November 2017, there have been 111 editions of the Golden Gringo Chronicles published. GGC maintains a complete list of its articles in both Topical and Chronological indices which can be accessed from the sidebar at left.

Opt-In Here to Receive Your Free Copy Monthly

The Golden Gringo Chronicles is a free newsletter that is non-political, non-commercial (except for plugging the Editor's books) and, hopefully, entertaining. By signing up you will receive an email each month around the first of the month giving you the links to the latest edition as well as to each feature and departmental section.


or Email me at

To read the latest edition of the Golden Gringo Chronicles, go here: Latest Edition

The Golden Gringo Chronicles is published by GGC Publications Group that also publishes books by the Chronicles editor and inspirational books by other authors as well as offering some paraphernalia with themes related to the Chronicles and Costa Rica. To see all our offerings go here:

GGC Publications Group - Books & Products


¡Pura Vida!
Bob Normand, Editor
The Golden Gringo Chronicles

To see books by this author, go here:Amazon Author Page/Bob Normand