G G C (© Copyright 2011 - All Rights Reserved) |
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"Doing Latin America, Mostly by Luck"
Quepos, Costa Rica, August 2011 - Edition 36 |
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Milestone This 36th edition of the Golden Gringo Chronicles represents the three year anniversary of our gilded hero's arrival in Tico land. Almost immediately after finding a place to live amongst the other monkeys, GG began sending periodic email reports on his experiences here to friends and family back in the U.S. Over time these emails became more elaborate and complex, adding pictures and lately videos. The GGC Newsletter now operates as a private division of my personal web site; a Golden Gringo Chronicles link is available on the main web site at www.bobnormand.com. To Chronicles subscribers, a private email is sent monthly to people on the distribution list (currently about 200) giving links to the current Chronicle as well as links to the archives for previous editions and also for the archived restaurant reviews done by the ROMEO club (Retired Old Men Eating Out). There is no fee or charge for subscribing to the Chronicles and there is no advertising or other solicitation in its pages.
Pura vida! Here we go again. The money changers are changing our change again. Well, actually it's the bills this time. The Chronicles displayed a summary of Costa Rican coins and bills in the January 2011 edition. To see the old bills go here: MONEY. At that time several of the coins, such as the old octagonal 5, 10 and 20 colone coins and a 500 colone commemorative coin, were eliminated by the government. Shortly thereafter the BCCR (Banco Central de Costa Rica) began issuing new large denomination bills, the 20,000 and 50,000 colone billetes (that's $40 and $100 respectively in Rio Lindan currency). I've not seen the 50k in circulation but the 20k is becoming more prevalent. You notice I didn't say more popular - it's not infrequent here to run into trouble getting change when paying with a 10k note; a 20 is that much more difficult, a 50 will be still more trouble. I guess they're good for paying large bills but they're more difficult to handle on small matters or at small retailers. It's also interesting to see whether or not you're going to get 3-20,000, 6-10,000 or 12-5,000 bills when you ask for 60,000 colones at the Cajero Automatico (ATM). Remember that 85% of workers here make between $450 and $600 per month so a $100 bill is a big note.
The dude on the 2,000 colone bill is Mauro Fernández Acuña, an academic with a more stable past and who had a more positive ending. He was a law professor, served in several positions in the government and the supreme court in the late 1800's. He died peaceably in San José after being pronounced Benemérito de la Patria or a generally good and helpful dude for the country. One of the more interesting aspects of currency changes here is the policy on what one does with the old cash. In the States, when an issue is changed, the banks are charged with the responsibility of slowly and quietly withdrawing the old units from circulation. The old bills are sent to the regional Federal Reserve bank where they are exchanged for new issues to compensate the bank. There is no time limit to this exchange procedure. Here they issue an exchange deadline with the new bills; the current cut off date for the old 1's and 2's is August 31. After that date you might as well use the old stuff for wallpaper or for sanitary use as banks and stores will not accept it. For weeks after the coin change last year, people pawned off the old coins to other people, particularly unsuspecting tourists (or unsuspecting gringo residents like you know who). Caveat emptor, amigos. Confessions of a Banker In a previous life our hero was a banker (friends back in Sarasota still call me "Banker Bob"). This period of GG's varied, some would say checkered career only lasted about three and a half years. I was a branch manager at two locations in Pennsylvania and a loan officer and investment dude in Sarasota. In all three branches I worked for First Union Bank. The banking industry was a staid, even dull business in the United States until the eighties and nineties. Then deregulation in the 1970's permitted banks to expand beyond local limits (often they had been restricted to just a county) and the expansion and merger/acquisition frenzy was on (M&A baby, M&A). First Union, who had made 27 bank acquisitions between 1971 and 1998 to become the U.S.'s fifth largest retail bank, then merged with Wachovia in the early 2000's, retaining the W name. They ended up buying World Savings for billions at the height of the mortgage boom in 2006. One report stated that when the mortgage bubble broke, the write-downs at the World division were more than the purchase price of the bank - ouch! Wachovia was then acquired by Wells Fargo for a trifling $15 billion in 2008, chump change in a major banking merger.
Table Notes: Five hundred dollars being a rather large fee just to open a checking account and, after a couple of days thinking about it, I decided to keep my account at RBC Bank (Royal Bank of Canada, eh?) in Sarasota and live out of the ATM here for cash and use the debit card as a credit card when necessary. I'm still living with this system three years later with no complaints. In the early days my card produced no charges when used at most of the banks listed on the table above. I came to like BAC (Banco de San José) because of short lines at the ATM and the ability to get both dollars (the landlady likes dollars) and colones from the same ATM. Only a few of the ATM locations here can do both (see table). About a year later BAC started charging my card $3 per transaction - adios amigos, have a nice fiduciary life. Now I use BCR, particularly for the dollars, and Banco Popular, which is only three blocks from my apartment, as a backup for colones when the lines at BCR are too long (like on the 15th and 30th when people get paid). So there you have it amigos, I'm a retired gringo, living in Costa Rica, keeping his meager assets in a Canadian bank in Florida. How's that for being a world citizen, Mr. Obama? Yeah baby, Pura Vida, eh? Have you seen the reports recently that coffee is now considered good for you? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! It seems to our hero that, having lived almost seven decades, most nutritional "studies" reverse their conclusions every 20-25 years. To be cynical, I've learned to ignore them all. Practicing moderation on all consumables is the way to go (and I promise to try it sometime). In the case of the change in attitude towards coffee, it's the antioxidant thing again. It seems java is full of them. Of course, if you suffer from high blood pressure or a weak heart too much caffeine is not good for you but many good brands today come in a decaffeinated version. I have no idea if the decaffienated versions contain the same anti-oxidants as the untreated versions. Fortunately, I have never had a problem with caffeine or blood pressure and I've always been a coffeeholic. Never say never GG and never say always, it often comes back to haunt you, but at the moment there's nothing I like better at breakfast than a good hot cup of rich dark coffee with my gallo pinto and scrambled eggs with tomatoes. If you like coffee, Costa Rica produces some of the best mountain grown beans in the world and over the last thirty years or so, new coffee companies have sprouted here faster than cilantro. It's no secret that Starbuck's buys a large portion of it's bean requirement here and also that coffee is a major export item for Costa Rica (although microchips are #1 - see this article for more: Coffee, Bananas, Microchips Anyone?)
When I used to visit here, I often had a box of six bags of coffee shipped back to the States for personal use and for gifts. I was able to deliver these boxes at a price per bag, including taxes and shipping, lower than the typical "gourmet" coffee offered at Starbuck's, or at Whole Foods or other specialty shops in Sarasota. If you would like to explore the offering of some of the larger Costa Rican coffee Companies, use these links: Cafe Britt, Cafe Rey, Lindo Coffee Group, Cafe Volio Coffee, Cafe Milagro Pura vida and puro cafe, amigo! I love Manuel Antonio Beach but sometimes I like to get away from the vendors, the ogling gringos with their floppy hats and the pasty white skin of the mid-westerners, in other words , every now and then I need relief from the developed resort scene. Playa Palo Seco near Parrita is a place of refuge where you can commune with raw nature and where it's still possible to walk a mile before encountering another human. Playa Palo Seco reminds me of the beach where I grew up, that is to say, Plum Island, Massachusetts, about 35 miles north of Boston. The southern 6 miles of Plum Island are a Federal Wildlife Reservation with no houses or residents other than the birds, a few reptiles and a small population of deer. In the fall, after the kids are back in school and the tourists have retreated you can also walk Plum Island beach for a couple of miles and not meet a person. Parrita is a small town, perhaps one third the size of metropolitan Quepos. It's situated about 24 km north of the Q and is a quick 20 minute car ride or half hour bus ride from Quepos. Of course, I've never seen the buses go out to the beach there, so it is probable that if you use the bus from Quepos, you'll have to walk the last three mile leg to get from downtown Parrita to the beach or take a taxi from the bus stop.
Although the north end of the beach was quite acceptable as a refuge, I decided it might be interesting to navigate that southern road where the sign said "Mar a Lago - 9 km". What's another five and a half miles on an adventure such as this? So I headed down the beach road gawking like the tourist I was. The first thing I noticed was all the Ticos coming north on the road, most of them on bicycles. Invariably, they smiled and waved - nice welcome from the locals thought our hero.
At the 9 km mark I saw a small compound of buildings that I suspect was the Mar a Lago hotel. It seemed that way both because I had reached 9 kms and also because the view from the compound was from the sea to the lake (Mar a Lago, get it; GG isn't always that slow), The peninsula narrowed as I went south and the road slowly deteriorated after that point (see picture upper right). When the road became two tire ruts heading blindly into a reed swamp, I thought it best to turn around. I might have been braver if I hadn't been using a friend's car. I love this wild stuff! Pura vida.
Palo Seco The word "Palo" as used in the beach named above made me curious. My handy-dandy online, often erroneous dictionary defines it this way: 1. stick (trozo de madera)
So tienda, which I always understood to be "store" can also be a tent. Maybe in the old days most of the stores were tents (yes, I know I'm stretching for significance here). I like the second meaning for palo seco, namely : "without anything else, on its own" - a perfect definition for Palo Seco beach. It's certainly better than "dry stick", which is what I thought it meant. So much to learn amigos... For the last couple of weeks we have enjoyed some rather beautiful sunny days with very little rain although we're deep into the rainy season. It's also been a rather pleasant 86-90F during the day and 70-80F at night (so, my deep-fried Norteamericanos, come on down and cool off). When I mentioned this to a tico friend he said: "Yes, I think we're having a veranillo" (it would be correct to pronounce this as ver-a-nee-yo, but it is more commonly pronounced ver-a-nee-joe, with a j sound like in judge). Veranillo is derived from the word verano or summer and a veranillo is a small summer - sort of the same thinking that gringos use for Indian Summer. R.O.M.E.O. Corner (Retired Old Men Eating out) Location: Top of Manuel Antonio Hill, 50 Meters Down the Steep Driveway Next to Barba Roja Reviewing ROMEOS: Roberta W., Mike L., Bob N. We were happy to welcome Roberta as our first auxiliary member - she graced both our table and our conversation. Karola's is a restaurant associated with the Los Altos condominium building but is open to the general public. I had been there once before for lunch and found it good.
The service was very good, the waiter being attentive and prompt at clearing used dinnerware and utensils. It seemed to me also that the courses were brought to us in efficient order but not on top of each other. If you've ever waited around a restaurant for 45 minutes before you got your salad and then received all the other courses within ten minutes, you know what I mean. Our fellow was very responsive and didn't exhibit a frown or any negative emotion when we asked, in good gringo style, a for a split check and then reversed the decision and put it all on one card.
The price level at Karola's is above average (we came in at about $40 per person without alcohol) but in line with the top restaurants in this area such as Kapi Kapi, The Falls and El Parador (for more on these and others see our Restaurant Archives). We gave the restaurant a five dollar ranking but we all felt it was worth it and not terribly overpriced. The team also concluded that Karola's deserved a full five sloths for ambiance, service and food quality. Most people (like our hero) can't afford to eat in a place like this regularly, but for a vacation or the occasional need or want arises in the pscyche for a step up in self-gratification, you could not do better in this area than at Karola's.
Insights from the dudes who put together the United States of America. First, from the first dictionary dude: "Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country." -- Noah Webster, On the Education of Youth in America, 1788 And yet another from my favorite rebel: "I place economy among the first and most important virtues and public debt as one of the greatest dangers to be feared." -- Thomas Jefferson